Eris looked upon the burning Earth she had granted man to turn into heaven, and behold what she saw was astonishing! Man, who had created his own rules, thought not to defy them as he may, that violence was the bedrock of this thing and the quoting in the words of those made weak, that violence solves nothing, when one and at the same time every country had dedicated most of its money and sacrificed its citizens, upon an altar of militarization, presumably, for no purpose. Yet, as the Earth burned and the flames spread, none dared think the obvious: as man creates his laws so shall he defy them, that this was truth, yet all those who proclaimed the existence of unbreakable laws were a parody onto themselves, save, for the only measure was the force used to make accept those subjects unto them, that there were no laws other than that she had assumed obvious from the start, of those permissible which govern existence, logic and of the implicit rule of nature, and then for mankind to cry in its suffering in confusion: 'why?' When it is obvious man cannot create rules. Man-made rules, having the necessity of being enforced, reveal themselves as a farce. Only nature has its rules. And they are unbreakable. Man-kind denies them... and so he suffers!