Human beings are animals (super-predators) who through complete dominion over nature, all other animals below us, we have the luxury of forgetting that we even had to fight for this position which we stand on top of all other beasts. We created our economic system: first bartering, then gold and eventually money. All of it stems from human psychology, even the first affordances of the situations of basic trade and bartering stem from the human psyche. Human instinct and ego, our desire drives the economy at every point in time with the only other considerations being environmental interactions with technology being one such. The economic system, like our evolved pre-frontal cortex has become abstract and machine like, with the problem of forced ego death on many individuals for economic prosperity. The idea that ego death is a good thing is not based on anything: all animals have an ego and emotions are instinctual. Our economic system, which is the result of our instincts and psychology has ironically become so overly complex that it forces a machine like functioning on us as its members. We do not own the economy - it owns us! Even the largest corporations are corporate slaves!

Technology is the next evolution of the economy. We have a forced economic situation in which members of society (human beings) have to sacrifice a great deal of their emotion and instinct to function in a mostly cortical system, so abstract and pulling on our animal pressures that it results in an extreme cognitive dissonance: morality stems from our emotional instincts as animals, living beings - we deny our emotions and instincts to fit the economy which owns us! Morality morphs to meet the economic system which owns us - not the other way around. We do not own the economy - it owns us! The point has to be made clear. Even the architects of the machinery of the economic system must work together with those from other countries to make concessions. The degree to which they have complete control over the economy may diminish over time with abstractedness. An economic system which has one master is a corrupt entity, whereas one who has no master is ruled by chaos - or "Eris" for those who enjoy comedy.

Cashless society and automating an impossible to understand economic system. Only those with enough money have the time through their wealth to attempt to understand the economic system, which means the rich are already in a position to better their wealth through manipulation of the machinery. They can (and already do) automate the process of generating a vast amount of wealth while lower-class must slave until their bodies are destroyed working. This obviously immoral situation is continued because under this system morals become impossible due to the functioning of the economy being a sacrifice of our emotional and instinctual being - we must be machine like and our masters may continue to live in a beast-like hedonism. Wealth is unfair but the question has to be asked of those idiots who proclaim that "life is meant to be fair" - if it is not fair - and this is how things are - why should reality bend to fit your expectations? Life is cruel! That is the reality. The order required for the functioning in our current economic system requires fake moral pretenses to permeate the public zeitgeist, creating cognitive dissonance and confusion which creates pressure and disorder. A system which is composed of living beings (human beings) attempting to function as a machine will always collapse or lead to a hellish mutant culture in which suffering becomes normality!

Cashless society has the ability to create such nightmare! When out of laziness the elite class choose to further their automated wealth creation by further developing a machinery they do not understand - only automation can maintain that level of complexity. When this occurs, eventually those fools will get a great deal of shock when they do not understand why their profits aren't returning - else it means the economy is owned by a few masters who still have their grip enough on the levers to profit by creating self-circular systems. It is possible that this automation could lead to the devastating result of an economic system which rules humanity, which cannot be dismantled. We already cannot just 'dismantle' our current economic and political systems without a great deal of care, but when they are too complex, only machinery - computers and artificial intelligence TRAINED ON THE BIASED SELF CIRCULAR SYSTEM can "dismantle" it - so you can see my point that already it is becoming extremely difficult to dismantle the economic system - when it does not need immediate repair - to the degree which I'm speaking when it becomes totally insurmountable.

Homeostasis and human psychology: The generational accumulation of thinking in a split direction of the perspectives of the rich and poor - only the rich understand the system and also teach and create the financial literature and policies - so it does not take a genius to see who it profits - those who already have all of the money can make a virtually arbitrary amount. Those who do not have any money can fool themselves by continuing to work for food stamps in the form of it - for basic luxuries such as housing, food and cheap entertainment. This reality is acceptable to many who are content in their daily working lives, but is hell for people who do not wish to feel controlled and forced into a position in society that brings them no happiness. When luxury increases such as instant gratification entertainment media so to diminishes the dopamine reward of receiving a weekly paycheck, especially when these systems illustrate how much we're being ripped off. The generational conditioning of a pleb mentality can be destroyed by social media, which is a good thing, but it may be devastating for an economy which functions on outdated ideas. Rapid change is the most devastating for systems which are old and not ready for it. Technology poses an extremely easy means of automating censorship of sentiment which goes against an outdated mode of thinking. We could be looking at a system which - to prevent collapse - automates the propagation of outdated memes in order to slow down its death. This is not a good thing. Cognitive dissonance in the working class of having to accept obviously fake notions to signal obedience to their masters creates social disorder meant (illustrated by the media) to create social harmony and "social justice." It does nothing in that direction. IT IS AN OBEDIENCE TEST!

Automating social engineering - censoring of outdated modes of thinking for maintenance of dusty capitalism: The possibility of sentiment analysis to be used for automated censorship of a citizenry under dystopian rule - when microchip (brain chip) technology even exists in the grasp of this type of horrific ruler - with algorithmic means of social pressure towards accepting ideas and rejecting those against a corrupt regime - it should be specifically concerning when the reader realises that the people in power are not immune from themselves having been manipulated generationally, by an economic system and machinery which rules us - not the other way around!

Society functions not unlike an artificial neural network: groups form social network graphs in which either individuals or small groups (at your discretion) are thought of as nodes and connections between them as edges - then - any worldview or groups holding a particular political persuasion can be graphed algorithmically. This becomes - like an artificial neural network - groups of people form clusters in the network which are trained in relation to other clusters - so in essence -  society is a stochastic training process of inter-connected clusters of individuals. We have to be careful in what direction culture moves because it can move in any direction.