Everything we have now is a direct product of subconscious anarchism. It surprises people that structures take form and become formidable embodiments of the primordial chaos. We operate under a mostly subconscious equilibrium. Religious metaphors aren't explained to enrich through knowledge of the human condition, they're used as a political tool for maintenance of outdated modes of thinking. If we operated under a conscious equilibrium wherein people were liberated through real knowledge about themselves and how things really work, through real education, the richest would inadvertently lose a lot of power because then the poor would understand not only how the system 'works' but also how it doesn't work in their favour. Since across Europe the education system was pay-rolled by the rich, based on the American model, it is obvious that it goes against what it's function actually is; to produce real, enlightened individuals falls outside it's walls. It functions to produce people who are easily moved about by the media system, articles conveniently to align with the education, like programmed pressure points. Through being self-circular no real change is made unless understanding of how money creates biases, distorts facts and reality is taught properly in a pay-rolled education system. It is not useful to claim that this happened 'maliciously' through some sort of secrecy, as someone enlightened would see obviously that the founders of this system had no 'choice' or 'free will' at their disposal to do things differently! More just the fact that we're greedy animals and money is more important than facts, since the economy operates off of profits which are made through maintaining sensationalist ideals instead of reinvigorating our thinking lives with new perspectives - facts, logic and reasoning are sacrificed upon the altar of profit.